Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dental work.

Okay all of you listen up, seroiusly. I finally made an appointment to get my mouth back into good shape. If I break it, I want you all to come over to my house and scream at me. The appointment is for August 28 at 9:30 in the morning so please pray for the I lost a ton of fillings which I spent a good buck for over the years and as as you all know, my dental hygiene habits were never the best. Why do fillings fall out? Because if you don't keep brushing, decay finds it's way beneath them. I honestly didn't know that. I thought it was just because I have a habit of chewing ice from my sodas and other drinks. Duh on my part. If any you think my mouth is shot, I'm giving it a shot to not keep it shot. Just think, no more breath mints and no more turning my head while talking to someone within a few feet away. Those with good smell can smell it anyway, but that hopefully will be something of the past. We can't get back what we lost, but can still gain some things back when we take the right steps. So true with teeth and so many other things in life. I'm just glad I'm finally doing it again.

I have no idea of the outcome, whether I will have to either deal with getting the fillings replaced, or maybe some teeth extracted and having them replaced as well. My front teeth are fine, but all the damage is with the molars. I do have a nasty habit of chewing on ice and I did lose some as a direct result, but I'm sure that wasn't the only reason. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology........", as from the famous intro from the old TV show, The Six Million Dollar Man". Speaking of money, when I made the appointment, the gal on the phone could see on her computer (as she commented) that it has been a long time since I was there. I made the remark that Dr. Wetmore may be able to book a cruise once he get s finished with me. She laughed and said, it probably isn't that bad. Made me feel kind of good.

So it looks like I will be spending a lot of time at the dentist for a while and as I said, pray for Dr. Wetmore. I'm sure he will have a good time on a boat at the Caribbean on my expense this winter. At least I will have another part of my health taken care of by the end of this year. I have an appointment with Dr. Braun in early September and I plan to have a lot of other things taken care of on the next few months and don't plan to leave this planet for a long time, God willing.

Ignoring a problem is so easy, but they will never go away until we face them.

Love you all.

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