Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Here I am, deciding to go away somewhere with Elliot, but the pair of shorts I have been wearing around the house have a big food stain or something on the leg. I grab another clean pair and slip them on. I'm not talking about denim or shorts with a zipper and in need of using a belt, but the kind with a draw string inside the front. No need to tie the string, as they are still tied from last time and the elastic is so nice and stretchy, I just slip them up over my ample belly with no problem and all is well. I get in the car and arrive at my destination. As I am walking around I find the need to casually slip my hands into my pockets and walk around with them there, but something didn't feel right. I find out then, the openings are the wrong direction. This when I now when I also notice why my two best friends dangling below inside haven't felt quite right for the past few minutes. My shorts are on backwards. I immediately looked around to see if anyone noticed my struggle to get my hands into my pockets. "Paranoia. Paranoia, Paranoiahhhhh, Paranoia !! (sung to the tune of that song, "Tradition").

This is when I had images of when President Skroob (Mel Brooks) in the movie Spaceballs, who went through the transporter and found his head on backwards. They reversed the beam and straightened him out, but there is no beam here to reverse for me and had to live with it.

The remedy would be so easy if at a mall, a store or somewhere at a burger joint and could slip into the into the closest potty and reverse things. At places like those, I would find out quickly in advance as soon as I got out of the car when I try to slip my keys or wallet in my pocket. Can easily get away in those cases and make the necessary change ASAP, but what if out in a park somewhere with Elliot like the last time I took him to one? Now as I look like his Pappy, I stick out like sore thumb already playing with a kid his age, while he had me playing all his pretend games with him with a lot of other young parents watching us as I climbed over all the playground with him. All I wanted to do is not let anyone notice my shorts were on wrong. I just avoided to not reach in my pocket for anything. We were at the the Mohnton Memorial Park, a huge park always packed full of kids and parents. Luckily I didn't have my dark blue shorts on, the ones with the light blue stripe running down each side. That would have been even more obvious tan I would want to describe. Glad they were the ones that that had food on the one leg that I changed out of. My two best friends dangling below inside somehow became comfy and obviously adapted, but I wasn't. It's like I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. I was thinking how much of a goof this was, almost as like a woman putting her bra on I don't think anyone really noticed and if they did, they must have had a good laugh after they left the park.

Made sure to go straight home and made the necessary correction as soon as I got in the door. I'll be paying more attenyion next time. So far so good. That was weeks ago and all has been fineto date.

This one goes down as one of the anals (annuls) pun definiteliy intended here as to what happened last year while on the hike on the Appalacian trail after Madelaines's dedication. There is a similar story that I can share that happened when I took Elliot to Toys R Us on his birthday a few years ago, to let him pick out his own gift. If interested, let me know. Elliot was there to witness the whole thing. Lets just say I had another pair of underwear lost other than the one 50 feet off the trail last year.

Thanks for visiting. Now all of you can go potty, and make sure your underwear and shorts are on correctly. Women, your bras

Love you and adore you all.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Elliot's latest

On Sunday, I had something funny to tell all of you, but wasn't sure if it would be appropriate in all present company. Here I am in in a man's house who is Jewish, so I didn't know how he would take something like this. I bet he would take it pretty good coming from Elliot, but just was not sure. Felt it was best not to talk religion at the dinner table, I guess you know what I mean.

As Elliot and I were driving home last weekend, we were talking about the Indiana Jone's movies. He started on about making a new "Ark", called "The Ark of the Government". I asked him as to what we would do to make it look different from the Ark of the Covenant? I told him there were gold wings on the top and suggested maybe have some presidents in their place. He said there should be a head of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on top, facing each other. He asked me what was inside the original ark and I told him that was where the original Ten Commandments, etched on two stone tablets as the Bible says and were placed inside. His next idea was to put inside the ark, a book of the entire American history, adding that the pages would have to be pretty big, maybe ten feet long as we have a lot of history. As always, I was busting up laughing inside. It was so cute. I said, it will have to be a pretty thick book. He said, yeah and will probably need a lot bigger box..... I love those hour drives with him, I think at those moments is where I really get to hear his inner feelings, away from the video and computer games, away from the TV and love to just hear him ramble on. It's like in the old days when families sat around the dinner table and could all share what was on their minds.

I have a good one for him. I'm going to ask him after all the "Global Warming" engulf the earth in a few hundred years (assuming it is something to really be concerned about) and after we are all long gone, will there be people out to search for the Ark of the Government? I can't wait to hear what he comes up with. Elliot has his own ideas about global warming, by the way...and have to share all that here sometime.

Take care all of you who actually read this stuff.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


More fun the second time around, wasn't it? Hit a wrong key somehow ....turning

funny moment at work today

To start things off I and Walt went in an hour early to get a head start. As it turned out later, there was a problem at the AOD vessel with the heat I was supposed to get and I stayed over even two more hours and finally got home near 7. Plus, I got my pay stub in the mail and I was gypped out of two days pay. I know what went wrong and will explain that later. It involved me getting put in for vacation days and was given one too many. When I called the boss last week about it, I was told it was all taken care of but still they did something wrong and they took off two vacation days. Long story, but it will work out in the end when I see him tomorrow. Now for the funny part.

The second shift crew came in and there was not a whole lot to do right away. Then we saw his guy walking toward our "pit office" and my pitleader made the comment, "Who is this clown coming?" The door opened and this guy came in we never saw before, carrying a camera bag. I knew right away what I wanted to say, but kept silent. The guy just stood there, looking at us, didn't say anything and as quick as he appeared, walked out the door. As soon as he left, I shouted, "Marty, get into the time machine, we have to go back, back to the future. It's not you but your kids, your kids, Marty!" Everyone busted up laughing, as this guy was a definite cross in looks between Einstein and that Doc guy from the Back To the Future movies, tall, skinny and gray stringy hair poking out from his hardhat. Everyone knew what I was shouting and this was the appropriate crew for all this. Every three weeks when this crew is on second shift, they have what they call "movie night (s)". The main computer has a DVD drive and when things are slow, they pop in a DVD, turn out the lights and watch movies in the comfort of a melt shop. This was the crew I and Walt were on before we volunteered for the all dayshift 9 to 5 thing. The pit leader does his best to manipulate the strip times the best he can so he and the rest can catch up on a few good flicks. Do we have it made where I work or what?

Anyway, I got to see this man in a action on one of the heats, manned with his camera on his tripod. He was told to come into our department and take videos (he was using a digital high speed video that also takes still photos, which I was drooling over) to capture the stream that flows out of the bottom of our ladles open (when the steel begins to flow). It seems sand is getting into our steel and our management is trying to find out ways to prevent that. Here is how it works. Our ladles open at the bottom through a small nozzle about 35 mm in diameter. When we get a ladle ready, the ladleman pours (from the top) some sort of zircon sand into the bottom of an empty ladle, blocking the hole (the nozzle)where the steel will flow out of. Without putting in the sand, the steel would "freeze up" when the ladle gets back to us when full and nothing would come out. In the ladle, the steel is on the bottom and the slag floats on top, thus the steel has to come out of the bottom of the ladle. The ladle goes up to the AOD vessel and the steel is poured into the top of the ladle. When the ladle comes back to us, the ladleman opens the gate and the sand comes out of the nozzle before the steel. We have what we call a sand deflector on top of where the steel enters the molds, but somehow the deflector is not doing the job and sand is still getting into the molds. Did you all get all of that? Welcome to steel making

Anyway, I got to see the videos this guy was taking. He told me he just picked up the camera yesterday and still didn't know how to use it. He goofed on something so simple as forgetting zoom in on the one I was watching him take. But he got a good image earlier and he showed it to me frame by frame and could easily see how the sand was getting into the molds. I told him that even though he goofed on this second attempt, he really got a good shot on his first one and I explained to him why. You could see the sand pouring out before the steel, but as he went frame by frame, you could see more clumps of sand. Our eyes don't perceive these things at normal speed, but when you see things slower at something like 100 frames a second, you see it all. He was happy with the first results, but said he will be back to try again to confirm what he got the first time. I may not have gotten any brownie points, but was fun to witness something the other guys I work with didn't see.

So I'm going to slip soon into my own time and space nature's way and wake up tomorrow into the future. "Marty, quick, get to bed. Don't let you see yourself as if you do, there will be consequenses greater tan you can imagine." Good thought. I'll just refrain from looking at myself in the mirror in the

Love you all.

funny moment at work.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fathers Day

I created this blog mostly for everyone to see the silly side of me, have some fun and maybe help others get through the hum drums after having a bad day or just to have the same fun reading what I have to say as it as much fun for me to write. It will be rare to see an entry like this one again, but sometimes it is nice to share the serious things and the feelings I have about those moments as well.

In all the years as a dad, this last Fathers Day was one that I have to put on the top of my list of favorites. It was quite a surprise that I got to be with my entire family for the evening. It is always nice to be with everyone in the family and only happens a few times each year. Many families seem to only get together when bad things happen, like a death in the family or when one is injured or sick and is in the hospital. Many families get together and the tension in the air is so thick that one can almost cut it with a knife. I'm lucky that even though I live alone, there are still those moments when we all get together when the opportunities arise under good circumstances. That is when the love is in the air and so thick, that it can be cut with a knife, also. That is how it felt for me on Fathers Day

As we all sat there eating and joking around, I could not help but steal gazes at that foxy lady sitting way at the other corner of the table away from me. So close but yet so far. So unlike in long days past when we would both sit side by side and fight (lovingly) for elbow room as I'm a lefty and we'd have fun bumping and jousting with our arms when sitting at a dinner table and still somehow avoid each other's food to fall on our laps. A thought ran through my mind and it took all the restraint I had not to say what I'm about to say here at that moment. I wanted to stand up and say it, but felt it better to be left unsaid. As they say, discretion is the better part of valor, so I thought I would wait and write it here later.

This is what I would have said:

"We all know there is a special day to honor mothers and today it is to honor the fathers. However, we wouldn't have Fathers Day unless there was a mother there, also. There could have been nobody better than you to have the kids we have had together and it is now that I am the one who is honored, to tell you how much I'm in love with you and without you, Fathers Day would have no meaning without you being the one with me to have had them with." Then ending with a simple, but very meaningful, "Thank you."

Short, sweet and all so true.

True love is something that has no bounds, distance or timeline. Once it is there, it nothing can take it away once it is in one's heart. I have it, so thankful that I do and glad I have that love for "all" of you within me in those special ways meant for each of you.

Thank you all again for a great Fathers Day.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Needs and wants

We all know the difference between a need and a want. Needing something is a necessity and wanting something is a desire to have something. An old saying goes, the worse thing about wanting something may actually be to get it. I found that out this week after shelling out $92 for a Cd set. From reading other entries in the blog, you all know how I was debating about buying a Cd set from The Dave Clark Five. I caved in last week and sent for it. The expense is due to the rarity and is now a collector's item. I am not a true collector in the collector sense of the word. The house is filled with enough and don't need collector's items all over the place. I have to deal with enough junk and have no desire to put stuff aside just for the sake of having it. I bought the set so I could hear the music. As soon as it showed up on Monday, I made a copy of both Cds and put the original set away. It showed up at the house like new. Not a scratch on the cover, the original booklet intact and the CDs look like they were never played. Maybe the original owner did what I did and just played the copies.

I have owned 8 of their popular songs from other sources and really enjoy them. This set contained a total of 50 songs and can see why those 8 only made it to the top of the charts. The late Mike Smith, lead singer, died back in April a week after the DC5 was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He suffered injuries in a car accident last fall, became paraplegic and died of pneumonia along with other complications. His voice was one that in one song could sing a crooning ballad and the next one, rough and gravelly in sound. As I listened to the variety of tunes, he definitely sounded very similar to John Lennon in some of them and I guess that is why Paul McCartney criticized the group as a cheap Beatles's imitation. A few of the songs could pass for Beatles tunes if one was not knowledgeable with either of these groups.

Dave Clark was a one man show. He wrote many of the songs, was their business manager and was involved in all the record contracts, booking the tours, as well as the groups drummer. They maintained a clean cut style, always wearing suits on stage and appealed positively to all the American TV networks. But soon their clean cut style, the thing that made them famous, became their enemy. It wasn't long before other British groups like The Rolling Stones and The Who came along, with their "bad boy" images were becoming the norm and even though at first not accepted by TV execs, soon the networks caught on and traded good looks for cash.

So back to my point, I bought something I was very disappointed with, but all isn't lost. Since this thing is a collectors item, I can resell it and get my money back. I just may have to wait a while, but I can get it back. I will miss the booklet that came with the set, but maybe I can scan or copy all the pages and save it all somehow.

So keep this "want and need" thing in mind whenever you want something. In this case I can save all of it, unload it somehow without loss and still have it, so maybe got lucky in that sense. Doesn't work with all things, so always beware.

Keep an eye out as I said about things in a box on a future post. Just want to keep you in suspense.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Elliot's quote of the week

Almost every weekend, Elliot seems to come up with a good line. This week was no exception.

I was yawning while Elliot and I were watching TV upstairs on Saturday evening. He was sitting close to me and suddenly stared at my mouth. He said, "Do that again." So I did. Then he said, "Wow, that's big. Looks like a portal to another dimension." Then simply turned away with a straight look on his face and began watching TV again.

Almost made me wonder if it was one of those jokes to "make you look". Like I should go grab a mirror and see if he saw something I wasn't aware of in

The line kind of took me by surprise and normally my mouth would drop open, but since it already was, I had nothing else to do with it and just humbly shut it back up. It was one of those moments that many of us have from time to time, where you simply go blank and have no comment. Luckily I had a pencil and a notepad nearby to jot down his quote. With aging (no, I wasn't going to say getting older! ! !, what enters the ears must go to another dimension or something, 'cuz sometimes it just don't seem to be there to recall and.....darn, forgot what I was going to say (wink). Anyway, to finish that last sentence, .....what goes in somehow gets forgotten, making me wonder where it went.

I know where I'm going now..... potty. I'm gonna sit this one out and know for sure at least where it ends No mop

Take care. Love you all.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

hose set on "spray"

Okay gals, listen up. I'm sure you would have a worse problem than us guys and that is why you sit. I'm talking about peeing. If toilets were not invented, wonder what it would be like for you. Meanwhile, we guys have this problem where no matter how good we aim, we do pretty good unless:

Hate it when the hole is dried shut and when we start, we end up with two or three separate streams and not knowing how to adjust the aim so at least one stream goes into the bowl. Once nature's spigot is turned on, it is like a rocket launch. After lift off, you can't shut off the engines and hope the thing still goes where you want it to go. So as we finally get one stream to hit the target, the hose soon opens up and self adjusts from "spray" to "full", opening up to one full stream. If we have guessed right, no problem. Otherwise we end up going full force off to one side somewhere before we get to make a mid course correction. This is when we're glad we put the seat up and have one less thing to clean up later, along with the floor on one side and the nearby wall on the opposite side of the pot. When man was created, toilets were not in the picture and we created this problem to happen as we evolved into the modern age. It's like the line in Jaws, "I think you need a a bigger boat." Well, I guess a bigger toilet (or higher one) would help nowadays. The sad thing, you never know when this is going to happen and you hope for the best each time.

Our toilet-less ancestors never had this problem and I guess the gals were the ones who had the disadvantage. A guy could wing it out anywhere, but a gal still had to stoop down or something and have to pee in the open somewhere. Surely it was messy for the gals and the men had it made. What did they wipe with, anyway (assuming they did wipe)? No pee running down a man's Now it is the opposite.

Women have it the roughest overall, dealing with periods, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. So maybe in our modern age it is proper for us "men 'to' pause" and have to grab a rag or mop now and then put them to use in the bathroom (especially when no woman is there). What real man would ever admit he made a mess in the bathroom and and expect his gal to clean it up for him, even if a woman was there? Guess that is why they call that liquid cleaner, "Mr. Clean"'m sure a lot of experienced wives and mothers have seen the results of these peeing disasters from husbands and male kids who "pee and run", thinking they somehow got away with

I'm off to pee and see what happens. The mop is poised and ready.

Check out my next entry soon. Has to do with "boxes".

Friday, June 6, 2008

"Open the pod door, Hal."

It's getting late on a Friday night. Time for all the weird stuff to show up on TV, but I have a little Twilight Zone story of my own. I have many issues I can't wait to rant about and have been waiting for the right time. Sorry to keep any of you in suspense and hope you all are still checking things out here. Now that I'm almost ready to post more whacky thoughts, this one came along so suddenly tonight and has beaten all the others to the blog. Yes, my computer IS

I decided to download a CD, Queen's, "A Night At the Opera". I went on Widows Media Player, put in the CD, hit the "rip" tab and casually sat back and watched each song load one by one. Then I noticed that the cover of the Cd (you all know, the one that is displayed when you are on line), was not A Night At the Opera, but "Queen's Greatest Hits". Then I noticed the song line-up was also from Queens Greatest Hits. Now is when the theme and the narraration from the old sixties Outer Limits Tv show began running through my head....."Please do not attempt to adjust your set, we control the horizontal, we control the vertical, we can change the image to blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity"....and so on.

Whatever was going on here, I have no idea. Anyway, the songs that did download at least were from the Night of the Opera Cd. Thank goodness, because if songs showed up on my computer from some other Cd than the one in the drive, I really would have considered rousting some poor preacher out of bed somewhere to perform an exorcism or something (or just simply pull the plug and hope the thing still wouldn't keep running).

Of course it was just a minor electronic glitch on-line and after the songs were downloaded, I had to edit all the titles of the songs, but could not change the picture of the CD cover. Guess these things happen. Okay, stand by in a few days for some other log overdue items I would like to share.

Take care everyone and don't forget to say goodnight to your computer. It may have feelings, Don't forget the line, "Open the pod door, Hal" (from "2001, A Space Odyssey").

Goodnight moon, goodnight picture on the wall, goodnight

Time for bed. Goodnight to you all.